Sunday, February 16, 2014

Brought to You By

This is a sponsored post. I'm making three dollars on the word.

I wish! Then I would give David Copperfield a run for its money.

But I am here to promote something. The husband and the cousin-in-law (is that a thing? can it be for now?) have started their own podcast. It's about the usual semi-nerdy guy stuff: video games, movies, more video games, comic books, and then some more video games. They are pretty entertaining, though, so ladies, check it out. They're both taken, though, so don't check it out that way. Just in a purely educational way. Their podcast is guaranteed 100% factual and high in fiber.

You can find it on iTunes here.

And if you're looking for something to drink while you're listening, you could try Moët + Chandon Nectar Imperial Rosé ($70). This champagne is as bubbly as a valley blonde with a frothy head and a very pretty rosé color. It is exactly as pink as it should be, and fairly sweet with a hint of raspberries. It has a smooth, sugary finish that tastes of caramel. Very juicy.

Score: She gives it a 3, he gives it a 3.5.

Recommended: Versus other rosés, it would be worth it if you could get it at a good price.