Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Celebrate the Stops

Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be much to celebrate in life. We all feel this. There can be major upsets, huge heartbreaks, crushing failures. There can even be little things. That package you’re dying to receive that gets lost in the mail. A fabulous new recipe you wanted to try that turned out worse than your grandmother’s meatloaf. Or a huge case of writer’s block when all you want to do is get that dang work off the ground (and off your shoulders).

But we think this is perhaps the best time of all to celebrate. When there’s nothing else you can do anymore. When you’re about to throw the whole thing out the window. When that questionable stain from last week’s party just isn’t going anywhere. Because if anything, having these fits of inadequacy and frustration forces us all to pause. To stop driving relentlessly forward toward some end that’s never going to be good enough. If all you have left is a champagne flute and a patch of hardwood floor, stop, take a breath, and remember this is the perfect time for some refreshment.

Take all those lemons, and turn them into champagne! (Hmm, new market here? Lemon champagne anyone?) One we recently tried that might be worth a shot is the Schramsberg Mirabelle Brut ($19). This sparkling wine had a smooth, juicy taste heavily laden with apples. It was crisply dry like a Granny Smith, but with no real bite at the end. It had spicy undertones that almost warmed the tongue, and was very pleasantly carbonated. This tangy wine became stronger in flavor as we drank, amplifying it’s tartness. An enjoyable experience, and one that might remind you that as long as you have a glass of bubbly, everything else can fix itself.

Score: An all-around 3.

Recommended: Sure, it’s pretty solid, and certainly better than a trip to the DMV.

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